◆ キャリアサポート相談/Career Support Counseling (For Refugees)
Twice a month, Living in Peace offers opportunities for career counseling for refugees. If you would like to apply, please fill out the form below and we will be happy to help you.
◆ 日本での就職活動ガイド
◆ Job Hunting Guide for International Students
At Living in Peace (LIP), our posts are focused on providing basics to foreign-born students on the Japanese job-hunting process, referred to as “Shushoku Katsudou”, or simply, “Shukatsu”, as we will refer to it in these posts.
◆「しゅうしょく かつどう とは?」
がいこくから きた お母さん・お父さんへ
にほんで だいがくせいが する 「しゅうしょく かつどう」の はなしを かきます。こうこうせい だいがくせいの 子どもが いる がいこくから きた お母さん お父さんは ぜひ よんでください。